Marie Luise Bestehorn was born 27th of March 1983 in Berlin, Germany`s Capitol City. The last 2 years, Luise has been the singer of the Duo “Diego & Luise. Since than she has discovered her love performing popular music. The 23 year old singer is studing the Art of Music and French at Humbold University. So far she has been part of various music projects as a singer. 2004 chorister for the Operaproject “Alceste” at the music-academy Rheinsberg. 2003 chorister for the operaproject “Carmen”, at the Saalbau Neukölln. She also performed the works of Rossini, “Stabat Mater”, for the Güterslower- music association as well as the opera-project “ Paris and Helena” at the music-academy Rheinsberg. Most of her musical education, she received at the Händel-Gymnasium which is nationally well known for its very high standarts. There she startet singing for the youth-chorous “The Primaner” and the Radio-Childrens chorous. 2002 she passed her A-level exams. She also had Chello and Flute lessons as from the age of 9.

Diego Rial is living as a freelance musician in Berlin. 2005 he founded the Tango Duo “Encuentro”, with Judith Brandenburg. At the same time he gave a number of concerts with Peter Reil. They called themselves “Lo Tengo”. 2003 concerts with Luise Bestehorn as the Duo “bitter and zart”.( Jazz, Latin and Tango). Then he accompanied the Chansonnette Marianne Cornill 2002 Ensemble “Piaccordia”, The Jazz-Combo “Charlotte Swings” and the Trio of “ Maria Teresa Cursio”. The Theater-play “Jugemos en el mundo” or “Spielend durch die Welt“ with texts of the author and componist Maria Elena Walsh. Performed in Barcelona. 2001 Duo “Bien de Rioba » with the Chellist Martin Innaccone. 2000 concerts with the Duo Rial-Amoroso. 1998 he accompanied the singer Florencia Bernales. 1997 he moved to Berlin. 1998 Solo-concerts in France. 1989 he studied classical guitar with Aragon Luna at the Conservatorium municipal de Morón, Buenos Aires. Master courses by Anibal Arias who is one of the last great ango guitarist Argentines. This was followed by the founding the Duo Rial-Amoroso” with the guitarist Rodrigo Amoroso.(Folk, Tango, Classic). Diego Rial was born 1973 in Buenos Aires, Argentine.
